CDC Clinical Photos
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Clinical Photo Collecion
These photos show how teeth & jaws can affect a person's look in normal and abnormal conditions.
All cases are successfully treated at CDC according to inernational standards of treatment.
If you are a physician or dentist you can refer your cases for treatment of specific conditions and can have a remote follow up facility.

Normal Face - Front
Jaws are in a good relationship
Normal Face - Profile
The jaws show a good vertical relationship
Teeth & Jaws - Normal Bite
This is how the teeth & jaws would look in normal relationship
Face - Pre-normal 1
Facial look in what is called a pre-normal relationship. In this case the lower jaw is small, the upper jaw is about normal.
Face - Pre-normal 2
Here the condition is still a pre-normal relationship, however, the upper jaw is large while the lower jaw is about normal. A reversed cause of a pre-normal face compared to case 1
Teeth & Jaws - Pre-normal
Teeth & jaws meet with the upper jaw in forward position to the lower. One or both jaws may need treatment to improve the facial look.
Face - Post-normal
The lower jaw is in forward position to the upper jaw. Condition is caused by either a large lower jaw or a small upper jaw. In some cases the cause is a combintion of both. Treatment is applied to the jaw at fault to improve the facial look.
